

The Cancel log tab is used to track receipts that have either been canceled, reprinted, closed using the Issued-Unpaid feature, or have been subject to a discount. You will also find such receipts from which individual items were deleted before payment.


In the left column, there are Checkboxes (1), with which you can mark those receipts for which the change has been made and you do not want to pay any further attention to it. Use the buttons above to view either all or only unchecked accounts. In the list, you will also find the exact date of the change and the table where the account was located - in the case of a quick order, there will be an empty space in the column instead of the table. The possible loss (2) then indicates the total value by which the receipt was deducted due to the change. In the Past changes column (3), the icon will always indicate the type of operation (after hovering the mouse over the icon, its type will be displayed). Using the Select button (4), you then filter only those operations for which you want to have an overview. In addition, by clicking on Detail (5) you will see the timeline of the account from the establishment to its closing and you will always see the minus operation highlighted in red.