

While using the peament terminal you can come across to unusual situations. Below are stated the most often ones. If you are not able to solve the problem by yourself contact us through chat in HELP CENTRE.

1. Error messages

  • -01 = MERCH_ERR_USER      1 //   canceled by user)
  • -02 = MERCH_ERR_CANTDOIT  2 // 
  • -03 = MERCH_ERR_NOPARAM   3 //  Non defined card
  • -04 = MERCH_ERR_KOPARAM   4 //  
  • -05 = MERCH_ERR_TABLE     5 //  
  • -06 = MERCH_ERR_DIAL      6 // Connection error (check our internet or call to CSOB)
  • -07 = MERCH_ERR_UNKNCARD  7 //  Unknown card type
  • -09 = MERCH_ERR_NOTVALID  9 //  Card error
  • -10 = MERCH_ERR_EXPIRED   10  // Card expired
  • -11 = MERCH_ERR_TOOYOUNG  11 // Nonactive card
  • -12 = MERCH_ERR_TOOLITTLE  12 // No money on card
  • -13 = MERCH_ERR_TOOBIG     13 // 
  • -14 = MERCH_ERR_SAMEPAN    14 // 
  • -15 = MERCH_ERR_SERVICE    15 //
  • -16 = MERCH_ERR_PINPAD     16 // 
  • -17 = MERCH_ERR_TRANS_KEY  17 // 
  • -18 = MERCH_ERR_TIMEOUT    18  // Connection expired
  • -19 = MERCH_ERR_AUTH      19  //Autorization error
  • -20 = MERCH_ERR_FULL       20  // 
  • -21 = MERCH_ERR_INTERN   21  //
  • -22 = MERCH_ERR_MASTER 22  // Bank error
  • -23 = MERCH_ERR_SIGN        23   //Signs don't match
  • -24 = MERCH_ERR_EMV  24   // 
  • -25 = MERCH_ERR_ARPC  25  // EMV card rejected, after online on 2nd generatce ac
  • -29 =  MERCH_ERR_BLOCK    29  //Blocked Card
  • -99= Special, split-sale intermediate result

2.  Another situations 

    • Terminal is locked- press F4 -zámek terminálu - odemknout and fill the password 11111111 (8x1).
    • Payment under 500,- Kč - without PIN (contactless)
    • Payment over 500,- Kč - with PIN
    • Payment over 30.000,- Kč - check card holder's identity
    • Stolen card - then you need to inform the bank and hold the card.

Note: To control transactions or request transaction statement call  +420 495 800 116. All transactions you can check in POS merchant administration which you can find in Účy - Platební terminál.

The transaction did not proceed:

    • Go back to pop-up “Dokončení platby” and try it again. 
    • If you see "chyba 6" on the payment terminal screen check the internet connection and if the Internet works call +420 277 000 277. 

Payment terminal is offline: when you see a warning triangle next to (POP-xx-xx-xx) in section ZAŘÍZENÍ, first of all try to click on UPDATE/AKtualizovat vše in the buttom left corner, log out and in to the Storyous app and try to make the payment by card. If the problem lasts try to pair the terminal again. 

To swith the terminal off: press red and then green button. It is possible to switch the terminal off only when it is not charging.

The symbol of crossed out eye: this symbol means, that the terminal is not visible and can not be pair to any device. To pair the terminal again, press yellow button and minus at the same time.

Can I cancle the payment, when I can already see it on the payment terminal?

Yes just click on the red button (cross).

3. Broken device

If you buy terminal from Storyous all compalints will be solved through us. So please call aour support team and describe what is wrong. We will send you additional device, which can be used during the repairement. This addtional device is necessary to pair with the Storyous POS again. First of delete the previous terminal in section ZAŘÍZENÍ and then pair the additional one.

If you rent the terminal from CSOB call +420495800116.