

If you spend several hours a week doing a stock-up and would like to devote that time to other work, you will certainly use our automatic stock up, thanks to which you can add items to the stock with literally just a few clicks.

How does it work?

Instead of a standard paper invoice, your supplier will send you an electronic delivery note by email with all the goods from the purchase, which you simply upload as a file to the system and all items are entered into the stock without the need to manually enter individual stock cards, including the amount of raw materials. According to a survey we conducted with the help of our clients, this will save you at least 6 hours a week!

Automatic stock up is currently available in cooperation with the following suppliers:


If you want to use automatic stock-up, before purchasing the goods, contact your supplier with a request to send you an electronic delivery note. This file can then be uploaded in the new stock-up section in the Stock-up tab in the Stocks section of your administration by clicking the Upload e-delivery note (1) button, but first you need to select a specific supplier. All items from your purchase are then automatically filled in according to the delivery note and you only confirm them.

It is ideal to have stock cards already prepared in advance, they must be entered in your system with the correct name, unit and VAT rate. If you are going to stock new goods that you don't have in the system yet, or if the stock cards have a slightly different name, the system will notify you of this before finishing the stock-up and offer you to either link to existing stock cards (2) or create a completely new stock card for items not found (3) where you enter all data directly in the window.

If you choose to pair with an existing stock card, but it will be in a different unit than the item on the electronic delivery note, the system will prompt you to enter the conversion (4) between the two units, set it according to the weight, volume or other unit of one piece. For example, in the picture below, we store 35 packages of potatoes of 6 kg each, so we write in the calculation that all 35 packages weigh 35×6=210 kilograms.


Pokud se po uložení podíváte do zpětné editace naskladnění, položky, které byly z elektronického dodacího listu navázány na existující skladové karty se zobrazí již pod názvem konkrétní skladové karty. Název položky z dodacího listu bude u skladové karty uložený jako takzvaný alias a při příštím automatickém naskladnění již proběhne spárování se skladovou kartou automaticky. Do poznámky se Vám vždy automaticky vyplní, že se jedná o import konkrétního dodavatele (5). Samo se po nahrání souboru vyplní také číslo dokladu(6).


V následující tabulce naleznete formáty podporovaných dodacích listů u konkrétních dodavatelů:



Pokud již nedostáváte elektronické dodací listy v požadovaném formátu, kontaktujte prosím pro jejich zasílání obchodního zástupce Vašeho dodavatele.

Pokud máte o automatické naskladnění zájem, neváhejte kontaktovat Vašeho obchodního zástupce či naši zákaznickou podporu pomocí chatu, emailem na adrese či na telefonním čísle 602 405 047.