

Similar to the Storyous POS app, also in your web administration you can work with a cash flow and make the closing of the sales. In addition, in this section, you can find the entire history of cash movements. If you are interested in cash movements in the Storyous POS app, read the article Cash movements in the Storyous POS app.

First, select a specific place in the tab. After selection, you will find a list of cash movements. For each cash movement, you will find the exact time of entry, the name of the user who entered it, and the amount of the specific movement in the column to the right. If you have multiple tablets with cash register functionality in your business, you can switch between them at the top next to the calendar. You can view all cash movements in a given period using the calendar. Even in the administration, it is possible to enter all the operations with the movements that you perform from the tablet, all the movements in the selected period can also be exported to a .xls file. From the web administration, you can also retroactively edit the movement of cash (both now and in the past), but it cannot be deleted. After editing the movement, the sale's closing is automatically recalculated.

The Set Initial State button is only available after the closing of the sales is done, once you enter an initial state or sell something in the app, it disappears and reappears only after the next closing of the sales is done in the Storyous POS app. When entering the initial state, it is possible to enter CZK 0 or the amount after the last closing of the sales. In Settings, you can turn on a feature that will set an initial state automatically to zero.



Deposit to the cash desk or withdraw from the cash desk modifies the current cash balance by the specified amount. For clarity, you can sort the movements by category - click the Cash flow categories button to create your own categories - name the category and save it to the list with the Add button, from which you can then choose. You can subsequently edit/delete categories using the pencil or trash button. Movement can be entered now or in the past. You can then save the entire movement with the Save button.


To find out the current state of the cash register in the administration, click on the Make a closing button, this will show you detailed information about the cash register without having to be on the tablet.


If you want to close your daily sales, you need to make a closing. After pressing the button, you will see detailed information about your daily sales in a new window, and confirm it with the button "Make a closing". If you make the closing on the tablet, it will be printed from the printer, if you enter the closing in the administration, it will not be printed from the printer.